Saturday, March 31, 2007

Youth Ministry Workshop

For the last two days I have been sitting in on a youth ministry workshop at my university. I really had no interest in taking the course but I had an extra credit that was paid for but not used. Besides the youth pastor of the university had been bugging me to take one of his classes for the last year so I figured if nothing else it will get him off my case. If theres one thing I'm sure of its that God is not calling me to youth ministry.

The class was interesting and I picked up some good ideas that would be useful in any ministry so it wasn't a waste of time. It also helped me to realize that I need to be ready to interact with staff as well as the members of the church. I think that eventually I will be a senior pastor so I will need to be able to effectively work with all kinds of people. So how do I do this? It is a balancing act between letting the people under me do what God has called them and protecting the church and members from inappropriate teaching. I think to be good at pastoring I need to have input on what the other staff does but without micro managing them.

At the moment we are having a terrific thunder storm with a large amount of hail. The lightning is very persistent and reminds me that we are much more vulnerable than we would like to think. The power of God is awesome.

1 comment:

jason folkerts said...

Dude! Welcome to the blogosphere!
It was great to have you and your thoughts at the workshop this weekend...
I will be checking in on your blog regularly,