Thursday, March 15, 2007

Hello one and all

Just a quick post to get this thing started. I guess I should give a quick rundown on who I am and why I decided to try my hand at blogging. I am a guy who is finishing my third year of my Theology/Philosophy BA with the end goal being to obtain ordination. I have had a colorful past to say the least and find myself to be amazed at where I have wound up. The grace of God is incomprehensible.
I am not, however, perfect. Trust me when I say that if I were to hit my hand with a hammer inappropriate language would ensue. I'm just a guy who is trying to serve his God and share with others the transforming power of a life willing submitted to his will. Before you start to think that this is just another Christian nut job preaching from his soap box I hope you will just commit to reading a few posts. I'm really doing this for my own satisfaction but you never know; God has touched lives in much simpler ways. Maybe if you keep reading he will touch yours.

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