Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Punishment for Suzy Q's

Well in just a few minuets I will be heading into the dungeon. I have put it off far to long and have decided to accept my fate. They say the first step in overcoming addiction is admitting you have a problem. Well O.K., hello everyone, my name is Dave and I'm a Suzy Q addict. I just love the things. I'm like a lab rat who has been given the choice of food or some high grade crank. The rat takes the crank every time.

All joking aside it's been a tough year and it's only 3 months along. I have known several people in my age group that are having serious medical problems because they have not taken care of themselves. I am at the point of being one of them if I don't make some changes. So before school this morning I will head into my dungeon and engage the medieval torture equipment in said dungeon in order to reverse the last twenty years of slothfulness. Wish me well and if you walk buy my house early in the morning and hear bloodcurdling screams coming from the basement don't be alarmed; I just have a charlie horse.


Missus VonWhitzer said...

Remember: "This too shall pass." You'll be thankful you did this in a few weeks when you start to see results. I think I need to buy one so I can follow my own advice.
See you later.

Missus VonWhitzer said...

This may show my age or make you feel yours, but what are "Suzy Q's"...