Tuesday, April 3, 2007

God Tube

Being a non traditional student it is easy to be out of the loop. Every now and then you are let in on something that is really cool and relevant. God Tube is one of these things. If you have faith or are just checking it out take a look. You have to wade through some junk but there are jems in there.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Youth Ministry Workshop

For the last two days I have been sitting in on a youth ministry workshop at my university. I really had no interest in taking the course but I had an extra credit that was paid for but not used. Besides the youth pastor of the university had been bugging me to take one of his classes for the last year so I figured if nothing else it will get him off my case. If theres one thing I'm sure of its that God is not calling me to youth ministry.

The class was interesting and I picked up some good ideas that would be useful in any ministry so it wasn't a waste of time. It also helped me to realize that I need to be ready to interact with staff as well as the members of the church. I think that eventually I will be a senior pastor so I will need to be able to effectively work with all kinds of people. So how do I do this? It is a balancing act between letting the people under me do what God has called them and protecting the church and members from inappropriate teaching. I think to be good at pastoring I need to have input on what the other staff does but without micro managing them.

At the moment we are having a terrific thunder storm with a large amount of hail. The lightning is very persistent and reminds me that we are much more vulnerable than we would like to think. The power of God is awesome.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Punishment for Suzy Q's

Well in just a few minuets I will be heading into the dungeon. I have put it off far to long and have decided to accept my fate. They say the first step in overcoming addiction is admitting you have a problem. Well O.K., hello everyone, my name is Dave and I'm a Suzy Q addict. I just love the things. I'm like a lab rat who has been given the choice of food or some high grade crank. The rat takes the crank every time.

All joking aside it's been a tough year and it's only 3 months along. I have known several people in my age group that are having serious medical problems because they have not taken care of themselves. I am at the point of being one of them if I don't make some changes. So before school this morning I will head into my dungeon and engage the medieval torture equipment in said dungeon in order to reverse the last twenty years of slothfulness. Wish me well and if you walk buy my house early in the morning and hear bloodcurdling screams coming from the basement don't be alarmed; I just have a charlie horse.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Summer Movies Yahoo!

Well it's almost that time of year again. Summer movie time. I love to go to the movies and look forward to the hype and trailer war that ensues each spring. It looks like there are going to be some good ones coming out this year. Pirates 3, Spiderman 3, Shrek 3. Ah they always say things come in threes and apparently they, whoever they may be, are correct. Also due out this year is Beowulf, National Treasure:Book of Secrets, and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

But like anything good there is always a down side. Apparently the urge to leave a film alone is too much for some people. There are remakes in the works for Revenge of the Nerds, 3:10 to Yuma, and there are three different Resident Evil moves out this year. Sometimes games are best left as games. All in all we have some great prospects for movies this summer. So break out the popcorn and snocaps :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

New Family Member :)

At 4:30 pm CST I have a new nephew. We don't know his name yet. Unfortunately he was quite abit early and is in nicu at the moment. He is about 3lbs. with huge feet and lots of dark black hair. If you read this pray and thank God for a new life brought into the world and for his grace on this child's life and health. Thanks.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Izzy Bee

I have been reading this blog for quite some time now and think it's worth checking out. Izzy is a guy living in Jerusalem and has the opportunity to witness the conflict from both sides. I like his neutrality and how he just presents the madness of the leaders of both parties. It's worth a read and if nothing else will get you thinking about the problems a little deeper.


Saturday, March 17, 2007


Well I am finally on spring break. The down side of attending a private university is the funky schedule's for holidays. Every public university had spring break two weeks ago. But the upside is we are off again for Easter a few days after we get back.

I am going to try to get ahead in my school work while on break. If I buckle down now I should be able to be at least one assignment ahead for each class. Other than having a twisted enjoyment at having to work under the pressure of a 2 hour deadline caused by my procrastination, I must admit it would be nice not to have to stay up half the night to get the job done. I am optimistic that this time I will get this accomplished. Although if I were in Vegas I wouldn't put my money on it.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Hello one and all

Just a quick post to get this thing started. I guess I should give a quick rundown on who I am and why I decided to try my hand at blogging. I am a guy who is finishing my third year of my Theology/Philosophy BA with the end goal being to obtain ordination. I have had a colorful past to say the least and find myself to be amazed at where I have wound up. The grace of God is incomprehensible.
I am not, however, perfect. Trust me when I say that if I were to hit my hand with a hammer inappropriate language would ensue. I'm just a guy who is trying to serve his God and share with others the transforming power of a life willing submitted to his will. Before you start to think that this is just another Christian nut job preaching from his soap box I hope you will just commit to reading a few posts. I'm really doing this for my own satisfaction but you never know; God has touched lives in much simpler ways. Maybe if you keep reading he will touch yours.